After another listen, I agree with the more recent commentators
i.e. perhaps average for Fall 1979, but a high bar. Garcia's final Passenger solo (3:20-5:20) has hurricane-force licks. And my earlier header ---"last night of the tour" --- was a bit off, as they were back on the road two weeks later.
Earlier review:
" April 23, 2005 Last night of the tour
The Cold Rain sounds like an audience recording. It's well played; a nice little solo from Garcia; interesting Weir chops; good Brent swirling organ at the end. To be continued...
Generally here, Lesh, Weir and Brent seem full of energy, but Garcia is a little lagging. Promised Land is fairly energetic for all four, sharper sound than Cold Rain. Ship of Fools is almost nine minutes, taken at a very slow pace even for a ballad. Garcia's solo is extremely quiet; he sticks to the few notes comprising the melody, and does not venture further. Sugar Magnolia starts slow, but picks up the pace later on.
There may yet be some gems in here, but overall, it feels like an average night, but not a bad night, for Garcia."